hey ..
is it possible to have a patch which used openpanel to read a .wav file, and store size somewhere, ex for use in resize array or clipping cursor to this etc .. ?
when you load a thing, it prints out 'loaded this much elements into table of size x'. so maybe could make big array, and when loaded, cut it down to size of file ..
if this information can't be accessed, then maybe read header in to memory, find the length field dword, go to end of header and resize/load that much..
i don't know about wav file format, so don't know about where that dword is, or whether there is variable length header as well etc ..
maybe also while doing this, could load regions/loops into some template ..
another cool thing to do would be to read all of file into some scratch array, and say if is 2 channel, with 2 arrays of half size, partition odd/even numbered samples into these arrays ..
hmm.. so has anyone done anything like this ? =)