I take it I need Jack installed for this to work?
When I start up 0.38-4-extended.RC0.app, I get this error message in my
console immediately, and the app itself just "beachballs" forever; it
responds nicely to a force quit however.
===== Sun May 22 2005 ===== 20:33:06 America/New_York =====
Contents/Resources/Scripts/../bin/pd can't open library:
config/os/macosx/build/Jack.framework/Versions/A/Jack (No such file or
directory, errno = 2)
May 22 20:33:13 Anthony-Saunders-Computer crashdump: Unable to
determine CPSProcessSerNum pid: 3836 name: pd
May 22 20:33:13 Anthony-Saunders-Computer crashdump: Started writing
crash report to:
May 22 20:33:13 Anthony-Saunders-Computer crashdump: Finished writing
crash report to: