On Mon, 3 Jun 2002, IOhannes zmoelnig wrote:
? wrote:
[Rory Walsh]->[Re: [PD]Creating noise in Gem]->[02-05-31 17:22]
|I can't seem to find the sig2pix~ object? Is this an |extern? I'm using windows 95, thanks again for the |help.
got it from ftp://iem.at/pd/Externals/GEMEE/
There is a pix_sig2pix~ in the new gem release, I am not sure if it is the same one that was in the gemee ....
pix_sig2pix~ (from GEM>0.87) is not exactly the same thing as sig2pix~ from GEMEE::: GEMEE's version uses a per-line interpretation of signals (this is: signal vector n is used as pixel-line k; in the next dsp-cycle, the same signal-vector n will be used as pixel-line k+1 (at least, that is, how i understood it) GEM's object is a per-image interpretation: (thus signal vector n will be interpreted as y consecuting lines if pixel-data; in the next dsp-cycle, the old signal-vector will not be re-used) this is the same approach as in the SOLVE-library by Michael Droettboom.
in practical terms this means: GEMEE's object will eventually have scrolling images (which might be no problem when generating noise) because the signal-vectors are reused. i thought this somehow unpractical, especially, when converting images to signals, doing some manipulation (in dsp-domain) and converting the signals back to images.
The main goal of sig2pix~ is visualization. Its meant as a sonagram building block (when used in the spectral domain), and in the non-spectral domain it gives you some idea of energy evolution in the signal. The scrolling is intentional.