Em sáb, 13 de jul de 2019 às 04:36, matthew brandi mfbrandi@outlook.com escreveu:
On 13/07/2019 08:11, Alexandre Torres Porres wrote:
the [adsr~] object, so far, is only linear, but I'm hoping to offer a hardcoded exponential setting for it, but not sure yet which one, hence my mail to the list
Dear Alexandre
Wouldn’t the “classical” approach be convex attack (0 < pow < 1) and concave decay and release (pow > 1)?
if you say so, I'm buying :)
If so, you would be looking at a set of hardcoded exponents, not a single exponent for all segments, right?
yup, I meant a set
FWIW, if you have the configurable [envgen~], I would make life easy for yourself and leave [adsr~] as linear.
I see, but I also think a preconfigured [adsr~] makes things easier if that's all you want.
I actually know of two other adsr envelopes out there for Pd, both non linear, they are: bsaylor/aenv~ and creb/eadsr~ - both are hardcoded. I haven't checked them yet, I hope I can figure it out by looking at the code, since the documentation doesn't say much.