Chris wrote:
I tried it first with 48KHz and only got noise
I'm surprised it didn't just crash, actually. :)
I have made a lot of fixes to the resampling code. I think it works now, but haven't been able to test since my last set of changes.
A really long delay, but that may was because of my setup... (ISDN <-> Asterisk <-> IAX over Wlan <-> Asterisk with Jack) ;)
Ha, yes, there is a little bit of noticeable delay in that setup ...
Pd patch was a really simple [adc~ 1] for audio input from the first jack-channel, a [osc~ 440] for testing and a [dac~ 1] for audio output to the first jack-channel
When I connected the osc~ with the dac~ I heard nothing at my phone, when I connected the adc~ from asterisk to a dac~ patched to alsa I neither heard a thing from the phone.
Oh, alright. That makes sense...
I don't know if you can patch two jack-channels together in pd, telling app_jack to connect it's channel to a specific pd-channel would be really easy, but having Pd handling it would be more flexible. Anyway, sending something to pd, that there's a new caller definitely is a good idea for various reasons.
Thanks for the feedback. Adding a feature to app_jack such that you can not just create the ports, but have them connected to some other jack ports sounds like a reasonable feature to add. Like you said, having more control over connecting jack ports via Pd sounds more flexible, but that will take me some more time to figure out. :)
Thanks again for the feedback. It is very much appreciated.
-- Russell