On 12 Dec 2007, at 4:16 AM, Max Neupert wrote:
Is there a Finder option to show dot-files? There's one on Linux.
in the terminal type: defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles 1
then restart the finder and it will display all the hidden files too. another neat thing i discovered some days ago is if you naviagte in
the terminal to a hidden folder and use the open command it will
open the unvisible folder in the finder (try open /bin )
'Go to folder...' (or shift-cmd-G) will also open hidden folders in
Finder, then I make visible aliases to folders such as /bin or /usr.
For those who insist on GUI access to lots of preferences otherwise
only accessible through the terminal try TinkerTool from
and/or OnyX from
For a very useful extension to Finder, a better way to get file info
and to browse invisible files try XRay from