Frank Barknecht wrote: ...
So I think that in the message-vs-list case, if there are obscure problems, they should be transformed into clear problems by teaching them to every pd user.
And also to developers: Some of the annoyances with list- vs. "meta"-messages are introduced by externals like those inherited from Max: [prepend] in all or most of its versions except [list prepend] or the zl-family or - in a different way - [OSCroute], because these output a meta-message even when they receive a proper list-message and thus may introduce unwanted side effects later in the processing chain if users aren't aware of this.
hmm... I tried to explain this in another thread. Let me try again:
are better than the old rules still preserved in Max. Nevertheless, Pd is just as unsuitable for list processing as Max.
start with a number, and declares that messages starting with a symbol after the 'list' selector are illegal (although Max does not enforce it fully). Therefore, [list] cannot be used in max-compatible patches.
conversion, i.e. discarding of the 'list' selector of symbolic list messages is just as bad, good, or irrelevant as the [list]'s way of conversion, i.e. prepending of the 'list' selector to non-list messages -- the same bit of information is lost.
for assigning a selector to a message. Inserting [prepend add] before a [textfile] is more natural, than inserting [list prepend add] -> [list trim]. Differentiating a 'list to be stored' from a 'non-list to be stored' requires a [route list] anyway, with either [prepend add list] or [list prepend add list] in one of the branches.