On 07/02/2013 06:54 AM, András Murányi wrote:
Very good idea, thanks Roman! Some difficulties I'm having:
- I don't know how to set the label of [cnv]... is it possible at all?
- (ATTN: Ivica) [hsl] seems to have the bounding box (?) miscalculated
in l2ork so it doesn't GOP when it's less than 2-3px from the border of the parent canvas. Checked in Vanilla, it works as expected ([hsl] can be placed to the very border and it will GOP).
Thanks for reporting this, András! hslider, vslider, and vumeter had indeed had incorrect getrect calculation for the bottom-right corners inside GOP (vu also had incorrect top). This has been fixed and committed a couple minutes ago into git. Binary builds of the new version forthcoming.
Best wishes,