On Feb 25, 2009, at 5:48 PM, Mathieu Bouchard wrote:
On Wed, 25 Feb 2009, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
I forgot to add, ideally we could fix the GUI stripping things down
to 6 digits. Anyone have teh documentation on this issue? I
looked around but couldn't find it. I think IOhannes outlined it
at one point.It's hidden deep inside. You'd think it were in some obvious place
like gatom_redraw in g_text.c. but this only calls glist_retext in
g_graph.c. this in turn only calls rtext_retext in g_rtext.c. So you
can see it does something about reducing width of numbers if they
are too wide, but they don't decide the original width. They
actually use the result from binbuf_gettext, which is in m_binbuf.c.
But it is not doing that job, it's delegating it to atom_string,
which is in m_atom.c. There you can find a sprintf "%g", but if you
modify it, you also modify the way numbers are saved in patchfiles
and in [textfile], the way numbers are sent over [netsend], the way
numbers are [print]ed in the console, etc.
It turns out that [print] has its own sprintf("%g") so it needs to be
changed there too, and a few other places:
hans@palatschinken-711.local:src > grep printf * | grep '%g'
g_array.c: if (fprintf(fd, "%g\n",
g_numbox.c: sprintf(x->x_buf, "%g", f);
g_template.c: else sprintf(sbuf, "%g",
g_text.c: sprintf(buf, "pdtk_gatom_dialog %%s %d %g %g %d {%s} {%s}
m_atom.c: sprintf(buf, "%g", a->a_w.w_float);
m_atom.c: sprintf(tbuf, "%g", a->a_w.w_float);
As far as I can tell, a 32-bit float can represent 7.5ish digits of
precision. So it seems that all of these could be changed to
sprintf("%.7g") so that the GUI/text/sends don't lose precision. It
seems to me that changing this would only cause problems with really
obscure situations where a patch relies on Pd stripping off precision.
Using some bitwise operations on the float, it should be possible to
test when 7 or 8 decimal digits would be appropriate then create
something like float2buf() that would convert the float to decimal
while preserving as much of the precision as possible.
"[W]e have invented the technology to eliminate scarcity, but we are
deliberately throwing it away to benefit those who profit from
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