I think 10.7 make pd trying to reopen the last patch opened at launch. I don't know if applcleaner clean this. Try to erase the directory : ~/Library/Saved Application State/org.pdextended.something...
To disable completely, see here for example: http://hints.macworld.com/article.php?story=20110918051930924
forget 10.7... n
Le 14/03/13 15:59, Ãscar MartÃnez Carmona a écrit :
Yesterday I was doing some patch and pd got jammed, got to force quit and when I restarted it was still getting stuck. So I decided to remoce the application (with Appcleaner) and downloading/installing the package. So I did but the problem persists!! WTF?? What can I do?? (My computer is a late 2008 MacBook 2.1GHZ Core 2 Duo 4GB with OSX 10.7 running on it) Thanx!