On 15/03/12 14:57, Benoît Fortier wrote:
My problem is similar to your case b. Maybe I shoud mention at this point that the lists are midi messages, and the first number of each lists are timestamps.
Did you have a look at qlist?
I'm looking for a solution within pd. I shall have a look at all your suggestions, they look all very good. The [coll] object seems to be the easiest solution to adapt to my patch, but I don't like the fact that the [sort< fonction strips out the number it uses to do sorting, in my case the timestamp which is off course an important information. But well, thats quite easy to fix.
For your interest, the goal of the patch is to create a text file which will be converted into a midi file using [seq]. It seems that [seq] works well only with sequentially ordered midi messages.
Not sure on what operating system you are... but if you are on linux you might explore connecting Pd to a sequencer. But of course in this case the 'all within Pd' parameter falls.