On Dec 16, 2007, at 11:19 PM, Patrice Colet wrote:
Hans-Christoph Steiner a écrit :
On Dec 16, 2007, at 5:32 PM, Patrice Colet wrote:
beau a écrit :
I have been converting midi into keystrokes with midiStroke for
OS Xhttp://www.apple.com/downloads/macosx/audio/midistroke.html
I think on windows people are using: http://www.midiox.com/
It would be great it pd could do this!
midiox program converts Keystrokes to MIDI Notes, it doesn't
emulate keystrokes.There might be a trick to do this with macosx API ,like I did with windows API in [winkey]?
PureData can do this on linux and now on windows with the help of different externals. I bet many users would love to have a single external for both platforms, that uses the same parameters, same help file, the object would have then the same name, it wouldn't be x11key anymore but [keystroke] or something like this and would work on most platforms. Aalex, what do you think?
Sounds like a great idea. How about something like [send_key] or
[type_key]? .hc[send_key] sounds good, also I might have found how to do this on
MAC OS X, by the use of sysctl.h, with looking at the source of
some programs that emulates keystrokes, but I haven't got the
machine for testing...
Post the example code and someone will probably look at it. If it is
easy, I'll do it, especially if there is already a cross-platform
object written.
Also, [hid] and [hidio] both have a cross-platform event/message
scheme that is translated into the native platform messages. I think
for [send_key] it use an existing scheme, like from [key]/[keyup]/
[keyname] or [hidio].
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