hello yves,
i experienced some stability issues with shoutamp~. pd often crashes when opening a stream. sometimes it crashes after a while (minutes or some 10 minutes).
also shoutamp~ doesn't play low bitrate streams.
i'm very new to pd: is it possible to automatically resample shoutamp~ output to 44100 khz (or another fixed sample rate), if i don't know the sample rate of the incoming stream?
how could i open shoutcast streams (which have no filename / mountpoint)?
besides thes stability issue it works very well.
--Original Message Text--- From: Yves Degoyon Date: Sun, 3 Feb 2002 23:34:08 +0100
here's the sunday delivery :
shoutamp~ is an icecast/shoutcast(soon) client for PD. it is co-authored by Olaf Matthes & I.
it has only been tested with icecast on linux.
it should be quite ok for shoutcast.