----- Mail original -----
De: "Mathieu Bouchard" matju@artengine.ca À: "Patrice Colet" colet.patrice@free.fr Cc: "pd-list" pd-list@iem.at Envoyé: Mardi 27 Décembre 2011 18:13:02 Objet: Re: [PD] pdx+bonk~
Le 2011-12-27 à 16:07:00, Patrice Colet a écrit :
[sqrt~] have same behavior, nothing flows out from outlet.
You could modify init_rsqrt in d_math.c to make sure that it does write stuff in the table. If the tables are not blank, then the problem is in the two functions after it.
d_math.c doesn't seem to be used anymore in pdx, the code is scattered into extra/vanilla and half is missing into sqrt~.c, so it's quite hard to see what's happening, but I'm giving a try, thanks for the tip.
| Mathieu BOUCHARD ----- téléphone : +1.514.383.3801 ----- Montréal, | QC