Also, make sure that the Realtek chip does native 44.1... I feed my MOTU card from the SPDIF output of a Creative Audigy* and I had to change my workflow to 48k because the Audigy turned out to "fake" 44.1 by constant upsampling/downsampling around its fixed-48k DSP.
- because the FireWire connection is so fragile and the damn MOTU freezes
all the time
I used to have lots of sample rate problems with one of the older EMU cards because of that sound chip (back with Windows 98).
It's a known problem with the Creative cards which is why I'm staying away from them. They are set to a fixed rate of 48k. The Realtek actually supports all standard rates up to 192k. Which means it simply can't be fixed like the Creative cards.
Anyway, after finding the "PCM Default Playback Switch" and turning it on so it follows the software's sample rate it works fine.