Le 28/10/2017 à 14:27, Alexandre Torres Porres a écrit :
2017-10-28 9:51 GMT-02:00 cyrille henry <ch@chnry.net mailto:ch@chnry.net>:
I think added harmonics are : 2, 4, 8, 16...
No, they're all multiples of the fundamental frequency. You can debate wether the 1st harmonic or 1st partial is the fundamental, people use this in different ways. I see the fundamental as the first partial component and the first harmonic on top op that, but usually just consider both as the fundamental, so 10th harmonic would be 10Khz (or 11Khz).
yes, sorry, I made a mistake. if your distortion is symmetrical, it can't produce even harmonics, so added harmonics are 3, 5, 7, 9... see patch or snapshot : the 4th partial of 350Hz is 1500Hz and is not present in the distorted sinus.
(if distortion is not symmetrical, then you are right and produce all partial)
So, oversampling by 512 must kill all aliasing.
cheers c
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