Here is another question for the libpd4unity crew:
What is the right approach for mixing audio generated by PD, with audio generated by Unity? It seems that my "AudioListener" component attached to my "LibPd" game object is preventing any other Unity AudioSources to play sound.
Any experience with this?
Thank you,
On Mon, Oct 24, 2016 at 7:23 PM, Ali Momeni wrote:
Hello all,
My answers in line below:
On Mon, Oct 24, 2016 at 6:56 PM, Scott R. Looney wrote:
Android latency is often a fact of life, even by that much. one question is whether you're getting that latency playing it in the Editor. if not, that may be a libpd question that would need answering. you might also reach out to Sebastian(hagish) to ask him, though he might be no longer working with libpd since Kalmiba wasn't updated in a while. he did in fact say that Android latency was an issue in the Read Me. however you might have more luck with this fork which has a latency fix in Android. not sure how good it is, but it's been updated about a year ago:
This is great to know; i will try that. To answer your question, I do not have this latency issue in the editor. Even more importantly, I don't have this issue when i build the same Pd patch for android, using the libpd4unity approach, as i've done here:
@ali - as i understand it, creating instances of PD/libpd has been discussed for a while as a positive step. i haven't had a need for it yet but others on this list have discussed benefits, mostly in terms of both power and resource management. there are drawbacks as well, but unfortunately i don't know the particulars. one instance is enough for me for the moment though. but i think the strength is dynamically spawning and killing resources as needed.
Good to know; thanks scott.
best, scott mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> stinfo/pd-list