hello list,
if i understand the helppatch ./doc/2.control.examples/08.depthfirst.pd right, with a [t b b], the first outlet should only give a bang after the bang from the second outlet has passed through the complete chain of objects connected to it. now i have an [openpanel] connected to the second outlet, and the first trigger outlet outputs a bang before i selected a file in the openpanel, although the bang that serves as an input to the trigger stays colored (meaning it is not 'finished' i presume) until i have selected a file.. (euh.. i hope you're following.. click the bang in the attached patch and see what happens..)
i know i can solve this by putting the trigger further in the chain after openpanel. just thought it is a curious behaviour, and i wonder if it is intended. if so, maybe it should go in the documentation of openpanel?
http://kristoflauwers.de.vu ____________________________________