On 3/9/19 1:47 AM, Alexandre Torres Porres wrote:
Em sex, 8 de mar de 2019 às 19:55, IOhannes m zmölnig zmoelnig@iem.at escreveu:
I thought you meant the 'src' folder that comes with the Pd application.
that's what i mean.
And I actually already know you can edit at least the background color by> editing pd-gui.tcl, for instance, by adding something like this to the end of the file.
option add *PatchWindow*Canvas.background #bbbbbb
that's because the background colour is not set at all (by Pd). so it just uses the default, and you can override that.
I was having trouble, though, trying to find the other parameters to also change font/cord colors and stuff. But I'm assuming now it ain't possible.
what would you do, if i said that it was possible?
gfnrdsa IOhannes