On 01/07/10 20:20, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
I am thinking of the ideal version of this, an object that would give you an inlet for STDIN then two outlets for STDOUT and STDERR, plus a status outlet and an inlet to set what to run. It could be something like this:
[process /usr/bin/python]
Then you could send python bits to it via the first inlet, and receive the reply via the outlets. So something like a cleaner [shell].
I had a similar idea once, more along the lines of using Pd for hooking up pipes as a shell:
I have no recollection any more of how far I got with that project, so it probably doesn't work let alone build...
BTW/OT just yesterday I figured out how to redirect stdout to stderr in bash:
echo "this goes to stdout"
echo "this goes to stderr" 1>&2
(Which should have been obvious from the familiar "pd -stderr 2>&1")