On Saturday 01 November 2003 14:43, derek holzer wrote:
redhat runs on ppc. probably the easiest to start with. however, the wonderful PlanetCCRMA packages are made for i686 architecture, so you will be back to compiling your critical audio apps yourself if there isn't a standard Red Hat PPC package for it [such as Jack, Ardour, probably also no PD with Jack capabilties, etc etc]. yellowdog is specific for PPC, but i don't know much about it... gentoo is supposed to be great for PPCs, if you have some time on your hands for configuration. but gentoo has a live, bootable OS cdrom for PPC you can download to try out first.
good luck! d.
Derek, you really need to fix your caps key. This is quite painful to read at four o-clock in the morning!
Assuming that your message is somehow about the pros and cons of using RPM's (seriously, it's so bad that I can't read through it), I can say for what it's worth that I've kind of sworn off the whole RPM concept as of late. The problem with the scheme, is that you can't simply install tarballs. For example, I recently tried to get some package from planet ccrma, and it complained that I don't have a recent enough version of Jack, which of course isn't true. It seems that you either have to install everything using RPMs, or forget RPMs entirely and install everything from what ever you find on the author's web sites. Lately I find it's much simpler to take the second approach. Certainly if someone has had some luck combining the two methods, I'd like to hear some details of how they go about it.