I have a problem with MSD (exactly [MSD2D]). When i send [bang, get massesPos mamasse( to [MSD2D], the output order of the positions of the masses is not the same that the one which was given during the creation.
I'm not sure to be clear, so it is better to see an example ;) (see the attach patch) :
If i create 3 masses in this order : [mass mamasse 1 100 0 1(, [mass mamasse 1 100 2 3( and [mass mamasse 1 100 4 5(. Then if i send [bang, get massesPos mamasse(, i can get from the first outlet of [MSD2D] : [massesPosId mamasse 2 3( [massesPosId mamasse 0 1( [massesPosId mamasse 4 5( Or [massesPosId mamasse 4 5( [massesPosId mamasse 2 3( [massesPosId mamasse 0 1( Or ...
This is not really easy for me because i need to conserve this order :/ It would be better to always get : [massesPosId mamasse 0 1( [massesPosId mamasse 2 3( [massesPosId mamasse 4 5(
Is there a solution with MSD ? With PMPD and dynamic patching, i have no problem, but it is too slow. Number of mass > 10000. ++