On Mon, Oct 25, 2010 at 09:57:12PM -0400, Pagano, Patrick wrote:
what is the proper way to play a sample so that if i play a table or an array with a sound in it and i trigger it to start again it will overlap or play both soundfiles at the same time? I assume it has to do with the tabplay~ object buti would love a hint on how to achieve this properly
I'd use two or more sampleplayers and some kind of polyphony manager. The rj library has two abstractions that make this very easy: [u_makepoly] creates instances of abstractions passes as argument and accesses them through a [poly] object, while [u_robinpoly] creates the instances and accesses them in a round-robin-fashion. The advantage of the former is that you can turn instances off again by sending "note-off" messages, while [u_robinpoly] just starts abstractions. The latter is great to make drum-samplers.
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