hi. for transmitting OSC over TCP/IP i thought about using slip (rather than [(un)packOSCstream] [1]).
now martin has already done this, but unfortunately i'm not very satisfied yet. probably i misunderstand something, but some things just don't work for me (even in the help patch):
encoding [1 2 3 4( results in [192 1 2 3 4 192( (fine), and decoding this results in [1 2 3 4( (great), but why do i get an error: "slipdec_list: dropped 1 bytes after packet" ???
<snip> in: 192 1 2 3 4 192 valid: 1 decoded: 1 2 3 4 slipdec_list: dropped 1 bytes after packet </snip>
the example has [192, 1, 219, 220, 192( which 'should give 1 192', but really is only decoded to [192(.
<snip> in: 192 in: 1 valid: 0 in: 219 in: 220 valid: 1 decoded: 192 in: 192 </snip> sending the data as a single list, get's me the correct [1 192(, but again with the "dropped 1 bytes after packet" error.
other single serialized lists won't work at all, e.g. sending the first example as [192, 1, 2, 3, 4, 192(, will give me no result at all
<snip> in: 192 in: 1 valid: 0 in: 2 valid: 0 in: 3 valid: 0 in: 4 valid: 0 in: 192 </snip>
obviously this defeats the purpose of the object a bit (after all, it's meant to reassemble broken up packages).
i thought, it should be able to decode [1, 192, 2 3, 4, 5 192 6, 192( into [2 3 4 5, 6( (dropping the leading 1, as the line is unintialized)
fgmasdr IOhannes
[1] i really find the slip approach more convincing when it comes to lost packages; with un/packOSCstream you must never miss the beginning of the stream, else you are lost forever...