I think here the idea is that if you are going to use the same bit of patch in multiple "parent" patches then what you want IS an abstraction not a subpatch. Why would we make the subpatch like an abstraction when we have abstractions?
I think args to subpatches are ignored.
moritz w. wrote:
hi list do i unterstand it right, that subpatches are only for make patches "cleaner", and no way to commit some arguments individually , like we can do with abstractions? this would make a lot of things easyer, for example: copy paste a subpatch ,give them some arguments, and then i can change some little things in the individual subpatches...
i ask me then, why we can stop the audio with [switch~] in subpatches, or handle "canvas"-locality with [sendlocal] from guenter geiger
do i have overlook something? is there a "hack" to become the subpatchname?
thanks, and i hope this is not asked to much before.. moritz