I've been using a Toshiba Satelite 2105CDS, running linux. I actually
_don't_ recommend this laptop for linux. I have had serious trouble
getting the sound hardware (Maestro 2E) to record without distortion, and
I have given up trying to resolve this. I do, however, recommend the
Swissonic Studio D USB audio interface. Works for linux, and fine for PD.
Just make sure you set the number of frags (1 is ok).
| Joseph A. Sarlo
| Computer Music Dept.
| Peabody Conservatory
| Johns Hopkins University
| jsarlo@peabody.jhu.edu
On Tue, 10 Apr 2001, nullpointer wrote:
> Hey all,
> Has anyone used a mobile laptop setup for pd performances?
> If so could people let me know the spec for such a setup and what audio
> cards work?
> Thanks
> Tom
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