Le 2012-01-13 à 20:12:00, martin.peach@sympatico.ca a écrit :
In the attached patcher clicking on [1( calculates pi, which gets printed to a number box and the screen in 5 digit precision as 3.14159, but the subsequent [sin] object gives a value much closer to zero than when you click on [3.14159(, so the numbber box is hiding some extra precision.
When x is close to pi, sin(x) is close to x-pi.
Neat trick for computing an approximation of x-pi without having to state what pi is.
Though you could actually do [expr x-2*asin(1)] instead.
The difference between sin(x) and x-pi is only about ⅓(x-pi)², so it doesn't really matter.
| Mathieu BOUCHARD ----- téléphone : +1.514.383.3801 ----- Montréal, QC