hi together,
first of all: thanks for the help so far! i find this list extremely useful and patient with noobieness which is very motivating.
i want to communicate with my arduino via [comport] which has worked out as far as sending him something and getting it back. the arduinopuredatamessagesystem [1] was very helpful with that. maybe it could be integrated in some helpfile. by the way: i don't understand how [makefile] converts numbers into their ascii character.
the [comport] help suggests that you can send bytes from 0-255 directly when sending a number into its inlet but it appears in my case the numbers were sent as ascii text, letting the interpret a three digit number as three different digits. writing this, i found that i have to convert the number into a message (arduino then accepts -128 to 127). is that something specific about the arduino or should the helpfile be updated?
grz ff
[1] http://kiilo.org/tiki/tiki-download_wiki_attachment.php?attId=76&downloa..., http://kiilo.org/tiki/tiki-index.php?page=Arduino-PureData-MessageSystem
Felix Obée Weichselstr. 35 12045 Berlin
Phone: 0178 / 49 31 008 Phone: 030 / 55957397 Mail: felix@amphibiousthoughts.com http://amphibiousthoughts.com http://dj.amphibiousthoughts.com