"The first atom specifies what type of object Pd will make, and the other atoms, called creation arguments , tell Pd how to initialize the object..."
"In Pd, inlets and outlets are ordinary text objects; in Max/MSP they're "gui" objects from the palette."
poor me that coming from the max arena is unable to find the object list in PD..it is so small that it makes me think, shit, i have to be the wiser [to late for that] to build my projects just with a bang, a metro and ...so i guess i have to install loads of objects, to gather them from all the web...after doing a bit of that i found a great object, inspiring...shoutcast~ and this other one mp3cast~...so i thought great! but i havent been able to install them and one of the reasons is cause it seems i need a server...considering macosx brings the apache server inside, i thought i was going to finally have a sever for my special streams..streams on the move, but i dont have folks working with linux neither..so my learnig curve is a steep iceberg/ so it seems i decided to do my little and naive experiments in max..and even better in os9 and using some of the histiric nato objects..that still deserve to be explored.