On Fri, Oct 22, 2004 at 11:58:51AM -0700, pun chik wrote:
which linux version do u recommend for a noobie linux user that want to use it for nasty pd patching????
There are "agnula" and "planet ccrma" that provided an extensive collection of binary packages ready to use. But if you prefer to delight yourself in the compilation of packages, you can use whichever linux distro like deb, rh, slack, gentoo etc. having the patience of patching and rebuild the kernel in order to obtain good latency performances.
es. I use slackware v10 with kernel 2.4.26 (with a kernel patch provided by Luke Yelavich at audioslack.com), I am build all sound_software packages myself and now i run wery well pd-pdp-pidip. -- Lazzaro
rif: for agnula http://www.agnula.org/ for planet http://ccrma.stanford.edu/planetccrma/software/ for kernel latency ohttp://www.linuxdj.com/audio/lad/resourceslatency.php3