Hello all
So... for FluCoMa I'm struggling to find the time to translate all the Max helpfiles to PureData Vanilla. I have made a few, there is therefore a stylesheet and content. It has to be in Vanilla for many reasons we can discuss later.
I have a small budget, and a short time frame. If you are based in the UK or the EU, and have the time and interest, please contact me at p.a.tremblay@hud.ac.uk
I would say that the level needed is quite high, and an interest in machine learning and understanding an extension framework to enable it in PD, Max and SC, is needed. Going around some of PD vanilla idiosyncracies will also be needed :) Don't worry, we had to go around Max and SC idiosyncrasies too.
The framework is here, including some Max SC and PD examples, and some tutorials.
learn.flucoma.org discourse.flucoma.org flucoma.org/download
Feel free to forward to people you feel have the right profile.