I always thought that in PD, "process" (i.e. dsp and control processing) had the priority over GUI rendering, in such a way that drawing the gui would NEVER cause audio clicks although this means there's no warranty about how much gui rendering may be delayed.
To my great disappointment, I see that when opening a subpatch with a lot of gui, audio clicks are produced. Just opening it, i.e., right-clicking on it and "open" (or just left-clicking when not in edit mode) Not to mention moving around a "big" GOP-enabled object (or, I guess, a handful of gui elements at the same time). But the first one seems to me a much more severe problem.
Suppose you have a large application (for a performace, for example) with a lot of controllers and display that you may only occasionally need. So you have your main interface (i.e. most important elements you need to see all the time) in your main window, and lots of less critical displays and controllers inside subpatches or instances of abstractions. When you need to check out or move a display or controller, you click on the subpatch (or even abstraction) to show up the controllers it contains. This is just not possible because when you do that, you suddenly get a second of silence (if the subpatch you open contains more than a couple of sliders), as audio processing holds on while drawing the gui.
Do you know of any workarounds? Do you know if this is Windows-specific?
This is indeed another example of what I was talking about in my previous message under the "puredata evolution" thread.
Thanks m.
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