There are many US schools that I know of that have some sort of program in electronic composition and performance:
NYU: ITP (where I am currently), Music Tech Dept UC Berkeley/CNMAT Stanford/CCRMA Univ. of Illinois, Urbana Champain Dartmouth UC Davis RE4M Mills College UC Santa Barbara UC San Diego (where Miller Puckette teaches) MIT Media Lab Berklee School of Music Princeton
in Great Britain, I know of: University of York
On Tuesday, Jun 3, 2003, at 06:41 America/New_York, Maximilian Marcoll wrote:
i'm sorry to bother you with this OT mail, but serching the web for names of schools is nothing compared to the knowledge and the experience of the people on this list...
i'm currently studying electronic (and instrumental) composition at icem in germany and i'd like to have a year (or less? more?) in the big world outside...
so, could you tell me opinions on universities (, schools or whatever) to study electronic composition/sound programming/realtime performance and such things in usa and gb?
it would help me a lot!
thank you so much!
=============================================== _______________maximilian marcoll______________ ___________composition | performance___________ _kurfuerstenstr. 19 45138 essen 0201 294 64 23_ ________marcoll@folkwang-hochschule.de_________ ===============================================
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