OK, in test 7, "pd.com" should work as a command line version and "pd.exe" as before...
cheers Miller
On Wed, Aug 24, 2005 at 12:13:19PM +0200, IOhannes m zmoelnig wrote:
Georg Holzmann wrote:
well, "pd --help" works perfectly and writes the help to the stderr. however, on windows, the stderr is sent to nirvana (there have been a number of posts on this topic (regarding the "-stderr" - flag), see the archives)
to reopen the discussion: isn't it possible to get also the stderr in the tk window? because some libraries like e.g. FANN (ann_mlp external) writes all the debug informations to the stderr and thats not very handy (and not handy at all on windows ...:(
now that is interesting: actually i am pretty glad, that those verbose-libraries (like fann, or all avifile, or...) don't spill my pd-console any more. (but i would prefer those libraries to be silent anyhow and just return errorcodes that explain what is going on)
i still think the solution will be to have 2 pd-versions on windows, one that detaches itself from the console and one that does not.
but these are just my personal preferences
mfg.asd.r IOhannes
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