On Die, 2013-03-19 at 14:55 +0000, Pagano, Patrick wrote:
Can you explain to me what this awesome-ness you have created does?
I read what the formula in [expr~ ] does and translated it to a subpatch.
I am assuming it's a expr~ converter, but what is the proper way to deploy this?
I'm not sure I understand correctly. There is nothing auto-magic involved, in case you mean this. About deployment: just copy the subpatch to your patch and replace the corresponding [expr~ ] by it.
I assume i can use purepd in MobMuplat since it with be just abstractions?
I assume so as well. AFAIK, the idea of purepd is that it consists only vanilla objects. It seems they are even free of the expr family externals.
please, more info and thanks in advance for this!
You're welcome.