gr()und wrote:
hello wade,
since longer i follow your pioneering efforts in making pd run on 64bit linux.. i started today and have problems compiling gltt - it gives me exactly the same error as you... i've checked the gltt archives on sourceforge but i could find any reply to your mail.. how did you get through that and are there any caveats which i should know about? is there something like a report on making pd & externals run on 64bit linux ?
I think I heard the FTGL superceeded GLTT so I just used FTGL. If I remember correctly. I am using 32-bit linux now because arrays arn't handled well in PD in 64-bit, and I got tired of not being able to use arrays. One guy offered to fix PD arrays for 64-bit (yes, I know there is no "good" solution, but I think that is simply because it would be a larger rewrite to make array pointers able to be 32 or 64 bit at build), but I would have to buy him a 64-bit machine. I would do that if I had the money, but right now I live in the most expensive city in American and I do not have a job...
Anyways, I hope that helps. -thewade