Hi Frank,
I'll take a crack at this, Please correct me where needed Cyrille!
Hmmm indeed there is a single object called "pmpd" I am not sure what this does, but sounds like it allows you to make a physical model without having to connect patch-cords and use pmpd component objects. I'm going to guess all these answers are the same in pmpd as in [mass] [link] etc..
The ID in [mass] is used as a receive name so that the render signal can be sent without connecting a cord. Same goes for [link] At the top of most pmpd examples is:
[metro] | [t b b] | | [s m] [s l]
Where the ID of the masses is "m" and the ID for links is "l".
This means you can control the rendering of different structures based on thier ID name.
I'm guessing the In and Out stuff has to do with comunicating from the internal physical model to the outside patch.
Frank, is there a strong reason you are using the pmpd object, and not using [mass] [lia] etc?? Much easier to start here and I think make many things clear...
So Cyrille, what is the [pmpd] object? Why is there no help for it in CVS? What is it for?
Hope I helped a bit Frank.
Frank Barknecht wrote:
I have a couple of questions regarding the [pmpd] object. It is not quite clear to me, what the messages to this object mean exactly. Actually I'm very confused about them.
As I see it, there are basically four messages possible to create the dynamic system: mass, link, in, out.
All of these take IDs as arguments. I don't understand the meaning of those IDs. For example to create a mass, one uses messages like:
mass ID MASS X
MASS and X are easy, but what is this "ID" used for?
"link" also takes IDs as argument, but it seems to ignore the ID given to a mass on creation, instead it seems to use its own IDs and it has an ID itself:
Where do I get the mass IDs from? In my experiments, it seems just have to keep track of them myself, and they have nothing to do with the ID I gave to a mass earlier. Or do I get it wrong?
Outlet creation (and inlet creation respectively): As I understand it, the format is:
AMPLITUDE seems to be a scaling factor. OUT-ID I don't understand at all: what use does it have? Am I right to assume that OUTLET is numbered from 0 to max-outlet-number, where max-outlet-number is the second argument of pmpd minus one? And then MASS-ID: Does it start from 0 as well? Or from 1? Where do I get this ID from? In my experiments, it seems to have to be the MASS-ID I used when creating the "link"s.
Sorry for my confusion...