Hello List!
while we had our Patching circle here in Graz last week, we discovered on some Problems and found a solution when compiling pix_openCV against PD-extended and GEM 0.93.3, which we like to share (Maybe these problems are trivial to some, for us they weren´t ;-) ).
We found a Problem in configure.ac, where the following line needs to be uncommented:
dnl AC_CHECK_LIB(cv, cvSobel, , AC_MSG_ERROR(you need to install opencv library (libcv)))
another problem was hidden in the makefile, where
CPPFLAGS need to be set to CPPFLAGS += -DDARWIN -arch i386
After these changes, we where able to compile pix_openCV successfully.
A zip with the compiled binaries for OSX 10.6.8 (intel), PD-ext 0.42.5 and GEM 0.93.3 can be downloaded here: http://puredata.info/community/projects/software/opencv/releases/0.2
Another small issue: in the help-files, one needs to insert [pix_rgba] after [pix_film] or [pix_video] since it seems that the [colorspace RGBA(-message (sent to the film/video) does not seem to work.
All the original sources for pix_openCV are available from http://hangar.org/wikis/lab/doku.php?id=start:puredata_opencv%C2%A0 and the openCV-Framework for OSX can be found on http://www.ient.rwth-aachen.de/cms/software/opencv/
cheers, Peter & Seppo