Hi Tim & all!
my 50c on the Duch translations you proposed..
$arguments = "argumenten";
maybe "parameters" is better here. if i here "argumenten" in Dutch i rather think of arguments like in a discussion
$messages = "berichten"; // could be 'boodschappen' too, but that sounds a bit wierd to me, as that also means 'arrands'.
i think "berichten" definitely sounds better
$dependencies = "vereisten"; // translated freely as 'requirements' here, maybe there's a better word but it doesnt spring to mind now
if i read "vereisten" in Dutch i woldn't think of dependencies the way it's used in computer programming. maybe the literal translation "afhankelijkheden"? sounds a bit ugly but i think it's more clear
$releaseDate = "uitgebrachtOp"; // or 'gepubliceerdOp' ? or 'vrijgegevenOp? or
"datum van uitgave" ? - i think it's better to stick to a noun..
$programmingLanguage = "programmeerTaal"; $operatingSystem = "besturingsSysteem"; $dataType = "dataType";
"camel case" isn't used in wikipedia (unless that's a Dutch spelling convention). In English, following wikipedia, these are:
it are all existing words which you normally write i one word in dutch, so you can just drop the camelcase..
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