Hallo, Micha Thies hat gesagt: // Micha Thies wrote:
thanks for the answer which is quite helpful. i already thought about using vline~, but didn't had a closer look at it. one reason is that i wanted to avoid the message level at any cost, because all this message timing and pre-microsequencing makes granular synthesis (and basically almost everything) unnecessary complicated.
and you're right, rampsmooth~ is message based, this is why i wrote some java external which triggers a defined ramp upon a click, all on the signal level, with some extended modes. this made my life so much easier, i can't understand why such a thing isn't implemented in max or why there is no external doing that kind of stuff.
(Maybe we can port it to C later...)
There is a set of externals by Eric Lyon which does something similar. He presented it at the Linux Audio Conference this year, paper and slides are here: http://lac.zkm.de/2006/proceedings.shtml#eric_lyon
Unfortunately I think, he didn't yet find the time to properly package and publish the code. Eric, do you copy? Is the source available already? But you may contact Eric at eric.lyon@manchester.ac.uk
The t3-objects in Iemlib are similar, but they get their triggers from messages, so they aren't too different from what [vline~] offers as builtin object.
Still personally I think, that [vline~] if used somehow like in my example patch can be quite powerful for granular stuff, and actually I don't think it's that complicated to use. But of course this also is a matter of taste and of how someone is used to work. I also have a phasor~ based granular patch I did somewhere here on this disk, which is much more difficult to read than the [vline~] solution in my view. At least it took me much longer to put together than the [vgrain~] which I just quickly hacked together yesterday evening. ;)
Frank Barknecht _ ______footils.org_ __goto10.org__