Hi all i am back with a new problem. I ll try to explain it. I have a midi knob (endless) which sends 0 when turned right and 127 when turned left. I used a [select 0 127] and then decrement 1 for each 0 and increment for each 127 using [ i ] [ - 1] and [ i ] [ + 1 ] respectively . This sort of works but:
When i turn it right everithing is ok. Lets say I increment from 0 to 100 then decrement from 100 to 50. that works as expected. If I increment again from 50 it will go 50 51 and then jump to 100. I think thats has something to do with the int objects( the store the last value arent they?) and they way I connected one int with the other.
Its quite hard to explain actually and I hope I make sense. I will apreciate any help.