I was moving in that direction. I'll explain better what I'm trying now, and also the context:
and is saved into one array
It works at first, but if too many values are != 0, it starts to bring in clicks. For now the arrays have 21 points, and it shouldn't go much higher than that. I'm also in my old laptop, but I think this is rather a control data speed problem, not necessarily a cpu power problem.
2016-07-01 10:12 GMT+02:00 José Rafael Subía Valdez jsubiavaldez@gmail.com :
I works in OSX 10.6.8 from the pd-extended 0.43.4
maybe use a table?? I know it is not exactly the same, but perhaps it offers a solution.
On Fri, Jul 1, 2016 at 9:02 AM, João Pais jmmmpais@gmail.com wrote:
Hello list,
I was trying to use zexy's scalarmult in windows, but due to its name being [.], it can initialize. There is a file called 0x2e.dll in the zexy folder which I suspect it might be it (?), but [zexy/0x2e] doesn't open as well: maximum object loading depth 1000 reached zexy/0x2e ... couldn't create
Is this external compiled for windows? Also just to know, does this external work in other OSs?
I tried using [list-abs/list-mult] as alternative, but it's not fast enough. Is there any other list multiplying compiled external around?
Joao https://www.facebook.com/jmmmpais
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-- José Rafael Subía Valdez www.jrsv.net