Hello list, I have a new question for you, and some "props" as well.
I have not yet solved the old problem of writesf~ and readsf~ writing and reading headers properly on 64 bit arch-es yet becasue my coding skills are VERY rusty and it would proabably take me weeks to get into the pd code enough to really understand coding again. And that would be if I had someone HERE to ask questions, like a class or something. (Perhaps if I dont end up moving in May I will re-enroll in CU again to brush up :) )
Anyway I have a problem. I am trying to acecpt a range of inputs into an inlet. Before when I run into this problem I just add another inlet and make it type specific, but that makes me feel lazy, like I am not addressing the problem.
I want to have an inlet that takes both floats, symbols and lists of floats and or symbols. I should be able to do this by connecting an inlet to a [route 0 1 symbol list] for example, but when I use a message to send a list to this inlet from the outside I get: error: inlet: no method for 'list'
When I got this for symbol I just made another inlet and connected it to [symbol].
How do I fix this?
Also, just for curiosity. If I ever release some of the tracks I make with PD on a disk (I have released some stuff I made with Csound - primitive but some people like it - http://www.cdbaby.com/aproximation - I havent made anything except for 12 dollars from my $2500 investment :D ) and make money I want to be able to return some of the profits to the writers of this code. Perhaps you could set up a paypal account for PD, or better yet sourceforge should have a donation box associated with every opensource project. That would be the best solution!
Anyway, thanks for the help here and for the years of help! (Add a contributers name list to the pd about page too! ;) ) -thewade