On Die, 2017-07-04 at 00:11 +0200, Roman Haefeli wrote:
Hey all
I finally figured out some bug in netpd that looked platform dependent. It turns out it actually is platform dependent. I do something that only creates rounding errors on Windows (or Wine), but not on Linux or macOS.
Attached patch illustrates the issue. It pre-calculates a look-up table. The resulting values in the table are slightly different between platforms. On Linux, I get only integer values between 0 and 255, while on Windows get some values like 8.99996 or 256.
Assuming, that the code for [*~ ], [/~ ] and [phasor~ ] is the same on all platforms, I wonder where the difference is coming from. Is Windows simply less smart? Can this be fixed? Is there a cleaner way to do what I want?
Actually, there is no real need to pre-calculate the table in the signal domain. A message-based until loop gives exact results on all platforms.