On 2017-02-12 22:23, Chris Chronopoulos wrote:
registered with class_new(..., A_DEFFLOAT) be sufficient for this simple case? this worked for me on 0.43.4; why doesn't it work in 0.47?
of course Pd can do *that* for you. the problem here is, that your code is just bogus: class_new() expects a variable number of arguments. but in C there is no way to determine the actual number of arguments passed to the function. So you need to somehow tell the called function when it should stop to expect more arguments.
this can either be done by putting that number into one of the
function-arguments. an example is the dsp_add()
function. e.g.:
dsp_add(clip_perform, 4, x, sp[0]->s_vec, sp[1]->s_vec, sp[0]->s_n);
the second argument (4) tells the dsp_add() function that there are 4 more arguments to come.
alternatively (if the data permits it), you can use a special "terminating") element with a magic value (usually this is just NULL); the function would then read it's arguments one by one until in encounters that special argument, after which it would stop. this is the case with the class_new() function. e.g.:
clip_class = class_new(gensym("clip~"), (t_newmethod)clip_new, 0,
sizeof(t_clip), 0, A_DEFFLOAT, A_DEFFLOAT, 0);
the varidiac part is "A_DEFFLOAT, A_DEFFLOAT" and it *must* be 0-terminated. so class_new() knows that there are only two (2) more valid arguments.
it seems that with your call to class_new(), you were just "lucky" and the compiler you used back then with Pd-extended happened to insert a NULL value after your A_DEFFLOAT. so your statement "this worked for me on 0.43" should actually read: "this accidentally happened to work for *me* at some point".
but really you were relying on undefined behaviour, and should just fix the original code.
fgamsdr IOhannes