Hi Alexandre,
guess some of it is in: http://fjkraan.home.xs4all.nl/digaud/puredata/cyclone/cycloneToDo.html
This list is also becoming a list of what has been done.
As with _nettles_
"try to resurrect as independent object library"
Anyway, tell me if this gets includes on this file.
Yes, the nettles-objects are part of the latest cyclone versions. They are part of the nettles library, which can be loaded with [declare]. Not all operating systems like the '<' and '>' in the object names and there is overlap with other library objects, so only loading them when needed is cleaner.
ps. count me in for help with the help files
Fred Jan
2016-02-11 22:18 GMT-02:00 Alexandre Torres Porres <porres@gmail.com mailto:porres@gmail.com>:
Howdy, it's a known fact brazilians will start the year only after carnival, so here I am. I'd like to share my list of things to do with existing Cyclone Objetcs. Obviously there might be other issues with other objects that would make them up to date with the current version of Max (Max 7). Nonetheless, this is what I find relevant, and I've been really checking it through. It's only about 11 objects, some has already been discussed here and might have been fixed or in the process to be taken care of, forgive me if so. I have it attached and also as a link to a google doc https://docs.google.com/document/d/1L_dUNgznfhaZHPKMJ3jJ_p9uIXRVP6Rs9-3nXy2Qlk8/edit?usp=sharing Next, I will get together a list of new objects I think should be included, many of which I've already made as abstractions (kind of to show how it works like I did with [teeth~], cause I really think they should all be done as externals). Cheers