Wow what a thread :o)
sombody had a "teremin" (sorry for misspelling) when i was helping for a concert in sprengel-musseum in hannover ... it was an orginal rebuild of the model from the twenties ... but i get the feeling, this instrument is very difficult to control ... it responds to every magnetic field floating in the room - in our days electrosmoog is dimensions more dense ...
but why not ... it is intressting to listen and it even play without a player usualy too :o)
for instruments building i think there are two poles, one is imitating known instruments haptic behavior (midi converter for git. etc ...) and on the other end invitation of complet new instruments like the theremin ...
where do you want your force feedback joystic? why not making music with a motorcycle? ;o)
and this in this "compiler-error lib"-list ;o)
greets + beeps kiilo