On 06/20/2013 08:20 PM, András Murányi wrote:
I used tar_em_up.sh -F (then untar and make install) which produced the following in /usr/local/lib/pd-l2ork (I've removed the manually built ones from the list): adaptive expr~ parazit-help.pd array2list.pd expr~.pd_linux parazit.pd arrayreset.pd expr.pd_linux patch_name-help.pd arraysize ext13 patch_name.pd_linux bassemu~ fexpr~.pd_linux pd~ boids fiddle~ pd-wavelet bonk~ pique bsaylor Gem pixeltango choice hilbert~-help.pd purepd complex-mod~-help.pd hilbert~.pd README.txt complex-mod~.pd jmmmp rev1-final.pd comport K12 rev1~-help.pd controctopus la-kitchen rev1~.pd creb rev1-stage.pd cxc list-abs rev2~-help.pd cyclone loop~ rev2~.pd disis_netreceive-help.pd lrshift~ rev3~-help.pd disis_netreceive.pd_linux Makefile.am rev3~.pd disis_netsend-help.pd makefile.subdir rradical disis_netsend.pd_linux memento rtc disis_phasor~-help.pd memento-p sfruit disis_phasor~.pd_linux sigmund~ disis_wiimote-help.pd spectdelay~-help.pd disis_wiimote.pd_linux nsend spectdelay~.pd_linux earplug~ output~-help.pd stdout ekext output~.pd timestretch
The dev libs were installed according to the l2ork web page, and none of them were unavailable. As for the build log, is there one? Or you meant the console output?
Sorry, I meant console output redirect. I haven't tried -F in a while since it is pretty much all but deprecated (particularly since now pd-l2ork only conflicts with one optional pd-extended package). Perhaps there is something in -F build format that fails when -B doesn't. It is unlikely but nonetheless possible. Can you try -B (deb)?
Also, please send me build log off-list with -F so that I can investigate further.