Hi Krzysztof,
thanks a lot for the code (and the comments!). That's not too complicated. I'll probably go ahead and implement both ways to do it (the general list-ops and the more specific objects as it is more or less the same code just rearranged).
Am Mittwoch, den 30. Januar 2002 um 14:38:16 Uhr (+0100) schrieb Krzysztof Czaja:
hi Orm,
append (and prepend) has only one inlet, and I do not know about join. But anyway having other than leftmost inlet to accept various messages is not that difficult. To give you a clue how this may be done, here is an excerpt from my `spying' code:
static void *spy_new(...) { t_spy *x = (t_spy *)pd_new(spy_class); t_spy *x1 = (t_spy *)pd_new(s2y_class); /* proxy for 2nd inlet messages */ ... (there are more...)
/* here goes something like: x->x_shadow = x1 */ inlet_new(&x->x_ob, &x1->x_ob.ob_pd, 0, 0); /* create 2nd inlet */ ... }
static void spy_free(t_spy *x) { ... /* here goes something like: x1 = x->x_shadow */ pd_free(&x1->x_ob.ob_pd); /* this has to be done explicitly */ ... }
void spy_setup(void) { ... spy_class = class_new(gensym("spy"), (t_newmethod)spy_new, (t_method)spy_free, sizeof(t_spy), 0, ..., 0); ... s2y_class = class_new(gensym("spy (second inlet)"), 0, 0, sizeof(t_spy), /* this may need to be changed */ CLASS_PD | CLASS_NOINLET, 0); ... class_addmethod(spy_class, ... ... class_addmethod(s2y_class, ... ... }
Orm Finnendahl wrote: ...
I would like to know, how to implement the proxy, your're mentioning. I had the same problem, trying to mimik the list objects from Max/MSP like join and append. There is a way around that, like