i've written some pd patches for an artist-in-residence working the Netherlands Media Art Institute Amsterdam (NIMK). NIMK are running something of an open-source-everything policy at the moment, so they want the patches released somehow.
there's two parts to the project, a text-parser (i recommend not doing text-parsing in Pd if you can help it, it hurts) and a sound-creation module.
the text-parsing part makes perfect sense to be released under the GPL to me, but the sound part is a little more unclear - perhaps Creative Commons makes more sense for a sound-making patch (despite CC's inherent problems..)
(i don't know - how do you license an interactive installation? is it software? is it music/media? what about a portable computing device that's processing incoming data in realtime to make sound?)
then there's the question of whether any and all Pd patches are 'derived works' (derived from Pd) or '[a combination of] two modules into one program' and therefore need to be GPL.
can anyone shed some light on this?
cheers d